Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Follow Rapid Ric on Twitter and Youtube

Follow Rapid Ric on these sites.

We just moved out studio to Houston. Still working on the Album, but don't worry it will be done very soon. You will really enjoy the music. It's been a long time coming and we've put a lot of time and dedication behind it. It's going down.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kiotti Kills it on BET's 106 & Park - Freestyle Friday

My homie Kiotti, who has been on several of my mixtapes in the past, has won BET's Freestyle Friday for the 2nd time...

kiotti 106-2

kiotti 106 1

Congrats to him, and shout out to all my homies at Party in Houston......
i think i might have some unreleased stuff on Kiotti, i'll see if i can dig it up..

in the meantime , check out last week's battle by clicking the Title of this blog entry

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Rapid Ric had a helping hand in setting up the Remix for the hottest songs in the world right now, "PAPER PLANES" by M.I.A. featuring Bun B.
It's the lead single on one of his best selling mixtapes "WHUT IT DEW RADIO"


She must be flying high!

'Retired' recording artist M.I.A's song Paper Planes appears in a promo for the stoner flick Pineapple Express and it's burning up the charts!

Paper Planes has already been out six months, but it jumped from number 55 to 36 on the Billboard Hot 100.


The song is also currently number 3 on iTunes' top songs chart and her album, Kala, is at number 7 on the iTunes top albums chart.

Ha! Looks like radio's not the only hitmaker! Indie fave M.I.A. has never been a mainstream radio darling.

Congrats, Maya!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Houston Rapper Gets 45-Year Sentence

Prosecutors Asked For Life In Prison

HOUSTON -- A jury handed down a prison sentence of 45 years for Houston rapper Carlos Coy Thursday morning.

The same jury that convicted Coy, 31, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on May 18 of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, reached its verdict shortly after 11am.

Coy was also sentenced to pay a $10,000 fine.

The rapper showed no emotion as Judge Mark Kent Ellis read him his sentence. He turned to his family and mouthed, 'I'll be all right.'

Then, Ellis asked him to approach the bench so that he could address him.

"Mr. Coy I have spent 17 years in this courthouse, and in that time I have seen more sex offenders than I wish to remember," Ellis said. "But one thing that I have found over (time) is that sex offenders have one trait in common, and that is that they all are liars -- and you are no exception to that rule."

Ellis told Coy that there was no excuse for his conduct, and that contrary to his testimony that he is also a victim in this case, because he is a rapper, that just isn't so.

"Well, the fact is that there is only one victim in this case, and it is a 9-year-old girl," Ellis said. "Now that is reality, and you need to deal with it.

"It's time for you to face the music," he said.

The sentence could have been a minimum of five years probation or a maximum of life in prison.

Prosecutors were hoping to send Coy to prison for life and brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years old.

Defense attorney Chip Lewis maintained that his client was innocent, and that there was never any proof that Coy committed any of these crimes, just hearsay.

Despite objections by his attorney, Coy took the stand in his own defense Tuesday and testified that he never sexually assaulted the girl.

Coy said that the eight women who testified last week lied to the jury when they claimed that they had sex with him.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jury Begins Deliberating Rapper's Fate

Prosecutors Ask For Maximum Sentence

HOUSTON -- A jury began deliberating the fate of Houston rapper Carlos Coy Tuesday afternoon.

The same jury that convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on May 18 of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, began deciding his punishment at about 11:30 a.m.


Coy faces a sentence of from five years probation to life in prison.

Prosecutors are hoping to send Coy to prison for life and brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years old.

"He's a child molester who uses his rap music to attract young girls," prosecuting attorney Lisa Andrews said. "He's a threat to children, and that's what this higher range of punishment is designed for -- to protect younger children from men like Carlos Coy."

Defense attorney Chip Lewis said that his client is innocent, and that there was never any proof that Coy committed any of these crimes, just hearsay.

"No punishment is appropriate for him," Lewis said. "He didn't commit this crime. But if the jury is called, they're going to have to let down a sentence and a verdict of some type. The least severe of that sentence would be probation, and that's the last thing that I have asked them to do at this stage."

Despite objections by his attorney, Coy took the stand in his own defense Tuesday and testified that he never sexually assaulted the girl.

Coy said that the eight women who testified last week lied to the jury when they all claimed that they had sex with him.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Houston Rapper Takes The Stand

Prosecutors To Cross-Examine Coy

HOUSTON -- Convicted Carlos Coy took the stand in his own defense Tuesday, addressing the jury that found him guilty of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl.

The same jury that convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on May 18 of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, must now decide his punishment.

Coy testified that he never sexually assaulted the girl.

Defense attorneys urged Coy to not take the stand, but he insisted, according to officials.

Coy said on the stand that the eight women who testified last week lied to the jury when they all claimed that they had sex with him.

On cross-examination, prosecutors asked Coy about one of his alleged 14-year-old victims.

"When you dropped her off at junior high you didn't think she wasn't of age?" prosecutors asked Coy.

Coy testified, "No, I couldn't see the sign."

Prosecutors then asked, "You mean to tell me these girls are coming into court and committing perjury and lying about going to motels with you and having sexual relationships with you?"

Coy testified, "These girls are luring me. One of them and their mother were known as 'Lady and the Tramp.'"

"As he's told the jury several times, he's not a saint and he's not a perfect person and he's made some decisions in his life that he's learned from. Like you said, it may be bad judgment, but he explained exactly the situation from a truthful standpoint and I think the jury saw that," said Chip Lewis, Coy's attorney.

"South Park Mexican is not guilty of the crime that he's accused of. They've drug him through the dirt. They've drug everything they can possibly bring in on him. We believe the motive is money," said Sylvia Coy, the rapper's sister. "These people lie, cheat and steal for a living. They live off the welfare system and they make money off the workingman. I guess that's what they're teaching their children as well."

Coy faces a sentence from five years of probation to life in prison.

Prosecutors are hoping to send Coy to prison for life and have so far brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years old.

Last week, some family, friends and fans of the rapper rallied with signs of support for him outside the courthouse.