Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Right before the epic freestyle session at kpft studios during Damage Control.
Scooby , Me and Poppy
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This comes from the Murder Dog website www.murderdog.com/archives/djscrew/djscrew.html

For those who don't know, DJ Screw was the greatest and is the Symbol of Texas Underground Rap. He and Fat Pat were original Screw Up Click members. He started the SUC. Well here is a nice interview. Enjoy
DJ Screw (8/8/99)

By Daika Bray

When did Fat Pat, Hawk, C-Note and the rest of the Screwed Up Click start rappin at your house? After you already had started doin Screw tapes?

After I started doin Screw tapes. I was already doin 'em, they was just listenin to me. They'd hear me, I'd give shout outs to different people in the neighborhoods, cause I had kicked it with everybody from every neighborhood. I'd make personal tapes. I might make a tape for a couple of my partners. Sometimes I'd just be makin a tape, come to the house, kick it. Some of my partners that are locked up right now, they'd come to the house and kick it, watch me make a tape. Might get on the mic, give shout outs. We'd ride around, listen to that in the car. It's like you're listenin to the radio, hear your own voice, ridin in the car, start rappin. We got some feedback on it, people were likin it. Everybody was takin it serious.

I want you to clear up some of the rumors about Fat Pat. I've heard that he was in the dope game, he was doing terrible things to people, and what happened to him was just comin back onto him from stuff he'd done in the past.

Ain't none of that's true. Fat Pat, we went to school together. Sterling High School. In the dope game, tryin to feed our families. But it ain't like what people think, out there robbin, jackin. We weren't with that. Just hustlin, tryin to make ends meet, feed our families. Studio time. Get our cards together. To help out each other and the Clique. What happened to Fat Pat was just getting caught up with a shysty promoter. We were doin a show down in Austin, Texas. Come to find out the dude who we done the show with named Weasel video taped and audio taped the show without tellin us. I found out about it, asked him about, he tried to deny it. A while later he wanted us to come back and do another show. We were like, fuck that, we ain't gonna go back there. First, he disrespected by tapin the show and sellin it, sellin it on the street and everything. Tryin to deny it. That was when Pat's album was comin out and he wanted to promote it, he wanted to go back down there. I'm like don't mess with that cat, we got plenty more shows we can do. But he wanted to promote himself, he went down there. And the dude, they were kicking it, he was a flashy dude, liked to flash what he got. Some kinda way he got robbed or something, he thought Fat Pat had something to do with it. He called Pat over to give him some money for comin back and doin the show. Basically, because he thought Fat Pat had something to do with him getting robbed, he shot Pat. He killed him. He gonna get what's comin to him. Pat, that's a real cool dude.

You seem to be real particular about who you hang with. Why is that?

Cause really, a lotta my friends, most of 'em dead or most of 'em in jail. I deal with all typa people. People be high, do drugsÂ…everybody do drugs, get high, but some of these cats try to be something they're not. Some people hang around just to see what you got. Some people be around cause they got love for you. It's cool to have friends, but too many friends, some of 'em ain't your friends. Kinda hard to pick your friends, you gotta see a person's heart. When I look at a person I study them hard. I kick it with anybody, I ain't scared of nobody. Just like they put their pants on, shoes on, same way I do. Ain't no different. I'm really just a people person. I like hearin the conversation, see how they carry themselves. Be you, be yourself. You don't get with one person, act this way, then you get with another group, act that way. That ain't cool. Just be yourself, that's my whole thing. It goes deep, it goes real deep for real.

All this success and all this fame, it hasn't changed the way you do things? Just made you more focused do you think?

It made me more focused I think. I'm just bein me. Lotta people look at me like I'm a star or something. I don't see that. I'm just a regular person, it's just a lotta people know my name. I don't consider myself no superstar or nothing. I'm just a regular DJ, man. I like to kick it, play music people can ride to. Something to inspire 'em, make 'em get up every day, wanna go do something. I'm just tryin to give people something positive to listen to while they do what they doin. Workin at a job or in the streets, whatever, I'm tryin to give 'em something, something good in their head. Let 'em know it ain't always bad.

Speakin of it being always bad, you know how everybody's talkin about how in 2000 there's going to be a major catastrophe, all the computers are gonna crash and all that. What kind of changes do you think will happen?

I think it's gonna go on as it has been. They say the world gonna come to an end. I think the world gonna come to an end for the people that's been doin bad stuff. Their world gonna come to an end. That's how I look at it. The world ain't gonna stop. All the people that done messed over our generation, they world gonna come to an end, for all the bad stuff they done to us. And the success and all that, the talent I got, I ain't never gonna let that go to my head. It's like the Man gave me the talent, I'm just tryin to stick with it. We're all here on this earth for a purpose. I'm tryin to reach people through my music. Keep the faith. Believe in yourself. Keep it real with the ones that's real with you, take care of your familyÂ…..you be alright.

What was the first record that you Screwed? Do you remember?

Damn, I forgotÂ…Â…it's been so many. Started DJing when I was 13, now I'm 28. I can't remember what the first record was, but I got it though. I got so many records, I keep up with all my records. I got all my kinfolks, Shorty Mac, back in the day when I was first DJing. Like records I didn't like, I thought was bullshit, I'd take a Screw off of it. Anything, I'd scratch the record up. They'd come to me, Man nigga who you think you is? DJ Screw or something? That kinda stuck to me. Most people think I got the name Screw cause I screw a lot, but that's how I got the name Screw, DJ Screw.

You heard about Def Jam South setting up in Houston, making Scarface president. How do you think that will change the industry in Houston?

It's cool. It's a good idea and all. I think it'll help a lotta people, cause we got a lotta talent down here. It ain't just really got no big record companies down here. Everybody I know, we doin this independent. Like me, I'm independent. I ain't never signed with no label. I done work for Jam Down, done work for Big Tyme, I've done work with a lotta labels, but I ain't never signed no contract with no label. Def Jam in the South, that'll be cool, cause that'll bring some of the East, the West, another eye on us. If y'all ain't knowin by now, we the shit, we been the shit, we just ain't got that recognition. Like East Coast, they got a lotta studios, radio stations, TV stations, but we down here, all we got one Rap station. Really two--we got 97.9 The Box and we got the radio station SCREW. It's cool, we all come together, put something together, blow it up like it's supposed to. That's what I'm tryin to do. I try to help everybody. Shit you don't hear on the radio, what you hear on my tapes might never hit the radio. People that ain't never put out an album but got talent. I make beats, take them instrumentals, we'll take that and make it like our song. Def Jam South is cool, but we got Rap-A-Lot, Suave House, Wreckshop, Screwed Up Entertainment, Jam Down, Big Shot, Big Tyme, Short Stop. We got a lotta record companies down here.

Define some terms for our readers. I already know, because I'm from Houston and I live on the Southside, but define some of the slang that we use down here like "bopper", "body rock" "throwed in the game".

"Throwed in the game" is like back when everybody used to say "that shit's dope, that shit's def." "Throwed in the game" is like damn that's some throwed shit, that's some good shit. The slang is like that. Then "bopper", that's like with bitches, some females are like "hey bop what you got." You got a clean car, you got a name, you got money. Like jockin, it's boppin, it's just another term. "Body rock", that's the Southside thing that we do. It really ain't no dance, it's like a body movement we do. We really don't dance down here, we bob our heads. We body rock.

We talked about Fat Pat. Tell me about Big Steve and what happened with him.

Big Steve--up and comin ghetto superstar, just got caught up. Wrong place the wrong time. Some people were doin bad shit on the streets. Steve just happened to be in the same place when the shit was gonna go down. He got caught up in it. It's like Steve got it just by bein with the dude. The dude was just messin people over in the streets. Business, wasn't takin care of business the way it's supposed to been done. Hustlin. You know how you hustle--you owe people money, steal from them, do all typa stuff like that. Niggaz ain't gonna put up with that, just can't keep takin 'em. Sooner or later it's gonna go down. Niggaz comin back, get revenge on this cat. You with him--everybody gotta go. How you gonna just shoot this dude and not shoot this dude. That's a witness, and you sure don't wanna be in trouble, so you've gotta kill two birdsÂ…that's how that happened. It's fucked up. I miss my potna. He had a bright future in the Rap game. I'm gonna miss him. But he's always gonna be here. We're gonna keep him alive. I love you, man, I miss you. You're always gonna be around, sho' nuff. "Rap it, scratch it." That's Big Steve talkin to us.

What are future plans for the Screwed Up Click?

Everybody in Screwed Up Click, we all got dreams of what we wanna be and what we wanna do, what we wanna accomplish in life. Business, home, record shops, lawyers, businessmen, whatever. Everybody got their ghetto dreams. My plan is do the best I can do. Everybody wanna help theyself. If they got their heart into it they really gonna do something. I know I got my heart into it. I live and die for this shit, every day. I'll do the best I can, try to keep my name up high. For my family, the ones that's with us, upcoming generations. The young BG's, they see us rappin, they really like that. I'm tryna pave the way so they can shine too. Cause the sun will shine on everybody. Everybody will get their time to shine. It don't happen overnight though. Gotta be dedicated. Gotta be real about it, can't just do it cause everybody else doin it. You really wanna do it, you just gotta put your heart into it. Be true to you, be true to the ones around you, your loved ones. Cause I ain't gonna fuck with nobody who don't love me. Get real with me I'm getting real with you. For real. I appreciate you doin this interview with me. Y'all be on the lookout for Screwed Up Entertainment. I got my own lil' record shop, Screwed Up Records and Tapes. Screwed up Texas, that's what's we call this. Down South, Third Coast. It's in your face, for real. Showin up, pourin up, growin up.

I wonder what your next step will be?

Like I said in 1990, I'm gonna screw the world up. It's screwed up, but it ain't finished. I'm gonna keep on squaggin, go to Japan, Tokyo. A lotta people don't know this underground, it's really worldwide. I have people from all over the world comin, getting these tapes. Somebody come down from Dallas, get a tape, take it back. They got a cousin from Tennessee, dub that tape, take it there, they got a cousinÂ…..it just go on and on and on. Stay up stay real, and we'll be screwed for life.

Is there anything else that nobody has ever asked you in an interview before, that you'd want to say?

Yeah. Don't believe all these rumors. Cause I play my music slow, people think you gotta get high, get fucked up, do drugs, just to listen to my music. It ain't like that at all. Or that I just do drugs all day, that's why my music's slow. It ain't all about that. I stopped smokin weed a while back. Back in the game I was young, so I was smokin weed, but you get burnt out on that. You don't gotta get high to listen to my music. It ain't no worship the devil music. So people think you worshippin the devil when the music drags. It ain't about that. I'm just bringin it to you in a different style where you can hear everything and feel everything. Give you something to ride to. I'd like to thank all the people that support me. Without the people supportin me I wouldn't be where I'm at today.

Do you think you'll ever put out a record of you rapping yourself?

Yeah. It's in the makin. I rapped on DMD's album, rapped on C-Note's album. On Keke's album, I did something on. PSK-13, Point Blank, my brother (Al D)Â….I'm gonna drop my album, Screwed Up Click album. I'ma shock 'em. I got a lot to say, I been through a lot. I'm gonna put something out there as well as I do with the turntables. Y'all look forward to it. It ain't gonna stop till the casket drop.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Here is a link to the comments sections of Matt Sonzala's Blog

Here you will be able to see some cool posts about the Bavu/Scion controversy.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Breaking News
Scion asking Bavu to censor lyrics from a song entered into their "NEXTUP" unsigned emcee search contest. Basically he didn't do it so they kick him out of their contest.

Bavu states, "they told me I was a finalist and the lyrics
wouldn't make or break the situation. I told them they could
edit 'em out or whatever. I just wanted the pub, maybe win
the money. They kicked me out of the contest."

The article has everything you need to know about the situation. The Great Matt Sonzala wrote this and here is his Blog address. houstonsoreal.blogspot.com
Censorship affects us all

Monday, August 22, 2005


Breaking news from the world of Bavu Blakes. Young Bleed (Baton Rouge) will be joining "The Livest Texas Rap Tour"!! Here are the dates in case you forget them.

Texas Livest Rap Tour

Wednesday, Sept. 14th
Gypsy Tea Room; Elm @ Good Latimer
(Deep Ellum) Dallas, TX; 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
[minus the dj's on Austin show]

Friday, Sept. 16th
Antone's; 5th & Colorado
Austin, TX; 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
"Nobody Leavin" 12-inch release & Somebody's Birthday Party
Featuring Performances By:
Bavu Blakes & D-Madness 8-piece (Aus/live band)
Mojoe (S.A./live band)
Money Waters feat. Rubba Rhode (Dal/live band)
Deloach (Monroe, La.)
Verbal Seed (Waco to Dallas)
DJ LB-9 (Austin)
Special Guests Salih & Tomar Williams, plus DJ Rapid Ric spins a "Soulful Texas Hip Hop" set...
Only $5, Friday Sept. 16 @ Antone's (5th/Colorado)

Saturday, Sept. 17th
Kingston Tycoon Flats; 2926 N Saint Marys
San Antonio, TX; 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
[minus the dj's on Austin show]

Here is an interview by Todd E. Jones and a link to read some of his other great interviews.

“Nothing But Family Business”
Interview with YOUNG BLEED
(Sept. 2002)

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Young Bleed first made the national spotlight with his hit “How Ya Do Dat?” that featured Master P. From No Limit Records and Concentration Camp, Young Bleed released 2 solo albums (“My Balls & My Word” & “My Own”) of high quality that represented Baton Rouge, LA with truth and passion. Now, Young Bleed is back as Young Bleed Carleone and he is truly on his own. He is no longer with Master P. He is not involved with Concentration Camp anymore. He’s not even on Priority Records. Young Bleed started his own independent label Da’tention Home Entertainment and he is ready to get back in business… the family business. I had a conversation with Young Bleed while he was recording at Bluff Road Studios.

T.JONES: “How are you doing?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Pretty good, man.”

T.JONES: “So, did you change your name to Young Bleed Carleone? Why?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Nah, it was always that but I never printed it on a record like that there.”

T.JONES: “Tell us about the new album ‘Vintage’. Who’s on it?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I’m introducing a few guys that I have been working with in the past and a few new additions to the Carleone family. We can call ourselves a coalition or a clique or a ‘clique-alition’, whatever you want to call it. It’s the Carleone family, a few cats from around my way. We’re tight like a family. We’re introducing cats like Last Level Carleone, Lucky Knuckles Carleone, the list goes on.”

T.JONES: “Lokey is a producer you used for the new album. How did you meet him?”
YOUNG BLEED: “He’s one of my new homeboys out of Columbus, Mississippi. Actually, his folks ended up living out this way so we ended up linking and making music.”

T.JONES: “What’s your favorite song on ‘Vintage’?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I’m stuck there. I like the whole thing.”

T.JONES: “Who are the people on the album cover?”
YOUNG BLEED: “That’s my grandfather and my uncle. My uncle recently passed away. My grandfather was the person who I got my name from. His name was Good Bleed so my name, Young Bleed, is a tribute back to him. I started writing rhymes when I was living with him during a period in my life. When I mean ‘Vintage’, it goes all the way back to me being a 9-year-old kid. It’s a tribute back.”

T.JONES: “The song ‘N Dis World’ is the single. Are you going to make a video?”
YOUNG BLEED: “It’s a toss up between 3 singles right now. We’re looking to do a video for each one of them. ‘N Dis World’ is jumping off in some areas while ‘Out Dat Dirty’ is jumping off in other areas.”

T. JONES: “How did you meet Uncle Pauly and how did he become your manager?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Me & Pauly grew up in the same neighborhood. Front Street! Butter since we were kids! Elementary school! Little league! We’ve been down for a long time. Baton Rouge!”

T.JONES: “You released your last LP ‘My Own’ on Priority Records. Why did you leave Priority?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Priority merged with Capital and there was that whole transition with another company. In the midst of that, I was working on my album. I wanted to get it done on my own.”

T.JONES: “What is Da’tention Home Records? How did you start that?”
YOUNG BLEED: “We always had it. First, we had an underground label called Criminal Records but Beanie Sigel just came out with a Criminal Records. There’s also a couple of other Criminal Records out there too. We needed to come up with something brand new and ‘Da’Tension Home’ was something that worked for us. That’s what we call around the studio and the area. When the time was present, we presented it.”

T.JONES: “Do you have more creative freedom since it is your label? What is that like? Is the money much better?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Yeah, no doubt! Well, the people control the money. You still have to sell the records. It’s the first project. It’s the first presentation from Da’tention Home Entertainment so we’ll see what is going on. We have new artists and new projects coming out so we will see what happens. We just want things to grow and accumulate.”

T.JONES: “What are some of your musical influences?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Musical influences go a lot of ways. As far as general music, I love that old school sh*t. You can go anywhere from Curtis Mayfield to George Clinton to Jimi Hendrix. I like a lot of that 70’s kind of sh*t. That’s what I’m talking about ‘Vintage.’ Mine is an old style but it’s also new.”

T.JONES: “What are some of your all time favorite hip-hop influences?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Big Daddy Kane, Eric B. & Rakim, Run DMC, LL Cool J, Krs-One, Sugerhill Gang, Melle Mel. I like that old school sh*t. ”

T.JONES: “What was it like growing up in Baton Rouge?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Ghetto life. It’s the same sh*t everywhere you go. Louisiana is the most private states out of the 50 states. We live under certain laws and crazy sh*t. It gets all sort of ridicules.”

T.JONES: “What were you like as a kid growing up? A good kid? Bad kid?”
YOUNG BLEED: “You know, it was a ghetto life with ghetto love. My family always had debt. I ain’t coming from no rich background. It was what it was. It is what it is. It made me who I am. I let my lyrics tell my own story.”

T.JONES: “During the time of the album cover where you had to live with your Grandfather, why did you have to live there?”
YOUNG BLEED: “That was a different time, a hard time. It’s real, real personal. I can’t talk about it now.”

T.JONES: “The song ‘Murderous’ is an 11-minute long jam session with live instrumentation. How did this come together? Was this your idea? What was it like recording the song?”
YOUNG BLEED: “We have a production team called Da Crime Lab and Lokey is one of the producers. When we created the song, we just jammed on it for a little while and that’s what came up. It evolved.”

T.JONES: “How did you hook up with Too Short on ‘Time And Money’ from ‘My Own’ LP? What was he like to work with?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Short is a cool cat. I ran across Too Short dealing with Priority. We always talked about doing a song together so when the opportunity came, we took advantage of it. Like I said, he’s cool people.”

T.JONES: “What is the last incident of racism that you experienced?”
YOUNG BLEED: “It’s obvious when you visit Louisiana. It’s a whole other ball game out here. It’s the home of the Klu Klux Klan. Imagine being poor, young, and black and growing up down here. It’s a struggle. Just trying to get a job is hard. It can force you into a certain dangerous way of life since there aren’t many opportunities. We have the nice countryside and a few places to visit but if you are looking at opportunity, the best you can probably get if you are young and black is a plant job or something. We got something down here called The Napoleon Law. It’s a real, real old law. We the only state that has parishes. We’re really under some old sh*t and it’s crazy.”

T.JONES: “Abortion – Pro-life or Pro-choice?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I have a few kids myself so I never got into any abortion situation.”

T.JONES: “Death Penalty – For or against it?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I don’t like to judge stuff like that. It’s hard to look at a man and say that it is okay for his life to be taken. God really judges that situation. I don’t feel that anyone but God truly has that authority to call it.”

T.JONES: “Where were you during the Sept. 11th Terrorist attack and how did you handle it? How do you think it will affect hip-hop?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I don’t know, man. It’s kind of crazy. That goes a lot of ways. As far as hip-hop, I don’t think that it has any direct involvement. As far as humanity, I feel that we should unite and write to make songs about the situation. It took a thing like Sept. 11th for people to unify. Before Sept. 11th, I don’t know if people were as unified as they are now. If that’s what it took for God to bring us together…. I’m not saying that it was God’s will when I say that. It was a crime against humanity and everybody suffered.”

T.JONES: “God plays a major part in your music and in the album’s imagery. How has God affected your approach to music making?”
YOUNG BLEED: “No doubt. Look at the covers. I hear people think that things are good or bad due to the profanity. I give glory to God in everything I do. First and foremost, I think this rapping is kind of prophetic. It depends what your aim is with music. Different strokes for different folks.”

T.JONES: “What is the key to surviving in the ghetto?”
YOUNG BLEED: “That’s a crazy question. You have to do what you have to do to stay alive in every sense of the word. And that goes for everywhere, not just the ghetto. Survival, period.”

T.JONES: “How did you hook up with Daz Dillinger on ‘A Hustla’ (from ‘My Own’) and on ‘Hustlaz’ (from Daz’s ‘Who Ride Wit Us’ compilation)? What was he like to work with?"
YOUNG BLEED: “Basically, it was the same thing with Priority Records in California. Daz is cool people. He came out this way. We recorded together and everything is everything.”

T.JONES: “In your albums, you have many references and samples of gangster movies like ‘Scarface’ and ‘The Untouchables’. Do you have an all-time favorite gangster movie?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I can’t just say one. There’s a lot of them but if I had to choose, I would say ‘The Godfather’ and the sequels because of the family orientation of it.”

T.JONES: “Drug of choice?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Take a wild guess… weed.”

T.JONES: “Do you like it in a Blunt or White Owl? Something else?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Whatever, as long as it’s some good weed. Roll it, Smoke it!”

T.JONES: “Do you have a favorite kind of gun?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I don’t glorify guns but everyone does need some protection. I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite kind of gun. It’s a shame if you have to tote a gun.”

T.JONES: “What were you doing before music?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Surviving… anyway that I could. I worked a few places. 9 to 5 gigs.”

T.JONES: “How did you eventually get into the music business?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, 9 years old. I started out in a small underground circuit and I met a few people here and there. It became a chain reaction.”

T.JONES: “Word association time. I’m going to say a name of a group or rapper and you tell me the first word that pops in your head. So, if I said ‘Public Enemy’, you may say ‘Revolution’ . Ok?
YOUNG BLEED: "Let's do it."
T.JONES: “Juvenile”
YOUNG BLEED: “Gangsta.”
YOUNG BLEED: “Gangsta.”
T.JONES: “Goodie Mob”
YOUNG BLEED: “That goes a lot of ways, mind revolution or social consciousness.”
T.JONES: “Outkast”
YOUNG BLEED: “Spiritual pimpish. Versatile.”

T.JONES: “Are there any new songs that you are feeling at the moment?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Right now, I like that new Trick Daddy song with Cee-Lo and Big Boi and them.”

T.JONES: “Do you have a favorite collaboration you did with another artist?”
YOUNG BLEED: “There’s so much stuff and a lot of it is underground stuff that wasn’t released. I would say my Carleone collaborations.”

T.JONES: “What are some major misconceptions people have of Young Bleed?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I don’t know and to be blunt, I really don’t give a f*ck!”

T.JONES: “Married?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Of course.”

T.JONES: “How many kids do you have?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Enough.”

T.JONES: “Did being a father change your approach to making music?”
YOUNG BLEED: “Nah, it’s all the same. It’s all me. It’s my life.”

T.JONES: “Out of your albums, which one is your favorite?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I love all of my albums but I think ‘Vintage’ is my favorite one so far.”

T.JONES: “What can we expect from Young Bleed in the future?”
YOUNG BLEED: “The same ol’ Young Bleed! The same ol’ sh*t! I’ll just continue at what I’m doing. More Da’tention Home and DJ Chill. An LP is coming out soon around January. It’s a Carleone Family album called ‘Family Business’. Sometime in March, my homebody Last Level Carleone is coming out and it’s called ‘The Last Level’. I’m on all of those albums. Everything they do, I’m going to do. Everything I do, they are going to do.”

T.JONES: “What do you want on your epitaph (your gravestone)?”
YOUNG BLEED: “I ain’t going to say that. It’s a secret.”

T.JONES: ‘Any last words for the people who will be reading this?”
YOUNG BLEED: “One life, one love, one God above us all. Keep it real.”


Saturday, August 20, 2005


Austin's Hot Scion Nights! An exclusive concert at Sky Lounge, 416 Congress Ave.
will feature legendary turntablist DJ QBert. R.S.V.P. for your chance to be part of the experience! Sign up now. Entry is limited and not guaranteed. You must RSVP to gain entry. The only way in.
  • sciondecoder.com

  • Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    Thursday, August 18, 2005


    The site looks great. Check it out and support the cause. I would really like to see everyone at the show wearing the Limited Edition "Too Selfish" T-Shirts.
    If you go to the site right now you can buy a shirt and the "Blazing Saddles" CD for $20
  • w4wmusic.com

    Too Selfish
    piece & chain t-shirt
    Blazing Saddles CD
    Get both for ONLY $20!!!

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com
  • w4wmusic.com
  • Wednesday, August 17, 2005


    I'm working really hard on confirming a special guest for the Antone's show.
    It looks like it could include Salih and Tomar Williams from Carnival Beats. They are the guys that made the music behind the songs Still Tippin, Back Then and Sitting Sidewayz. So far they are free for that day and have marked the show on their calendars. So we will see what goes down, but no matter who comes Bavu is still going to put down one of the best shows of the year. Bet!


    Friday, August 12, 2005


    Many people have been asking me "When is Bavu gonna do another show in Austin?"
    Well here you go!! Don't miss this show!

    Friday, September 16th
    Antone's, 5th & Colorado
    Bavu Blakes & D-Madness (full-band)
    Dj Rapid Ric
    Mojoe (full-band)
    Money Waters (full-band)
    Verbal Seed
    more TBA

    The Beat 104.3 is going to be there giving out prized, so listen up for more info.
    This is going to be a major event at Antone's. More info to come as the date gets closer.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005


    Thursday's show has been cancelled due to unforeseen changes in Common's schedule. Common's show has been pushed back to this Sunday. The inside stage at Stubb's had a previous show scheduled for this Sunday, so that leaves Bavu not being able to close the show for Common like previously planned.

    But don't sweat this because Bavu has a Bigger and Better show Friday August 16th at the Best live music venue in Austin! ANTONE'S!! I will post more about it later.

    Friday, August 05, 2005


    Come out and see Bavu perform at Stubb's Thursday August 11th. "The Adidas Champ"

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