Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jury Begins Deliberating Rapper's Fate

Prosecutors Ask For Maximum Sentence

HOUSTON -- A jury began deliberating the fate of Houston rapper Carlos Coy Tuesday afternoon.

The same jury that convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on May 18 of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, began deciding his punishment at about 11:30 a.m.


Coy faces a sentence of from five years probation to life in prison.

Prosecutors are hoping to send Coy to prison for life and brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years old.

"He's a child molester who uses his rap music to attract young girls," prosecuting attorney Lisa Andrews said. "He's a threat to children, and that's what this higher range of punishment is designed for -- to protect younger children from men like Carlos Coy."

Defense attorney Chip Lewis said that his client is innocent, and that there was never any proof that Coy committed any of these crimes, just hearsay.

"No punishment is appropriate for him," Lewis said. "He didn't commit this crime. But if the jury is called, they're going to have to let down a sentence and a verdict of some type. The least severe of that sentence would be probation, and that's the last thing that I have asked them to do at this stage."

Despite objections by his attorney, Coy took the stand in his own defense Tuesday and testified that he never sexually assaulted the girl.

Coy said that the eight women who testified last week lied to the jury when they all claimed that they had sex with him.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Houston Rapper Takes The Stand

Prosecutors To Cross-Examine Coy

HOUSTON -- Convicted Carlos Coy took the stand in his own defense Tuesday, addressing the jury that found him guilty of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl.

The same jury that convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on May 18 of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, must now decide his punishment.

Coy testified that he never sexually assaulted the girl.

Defense attorneys urged Coy to not take the stand, but he insisted, according to officials.

Coy said on the stand that the eight women who testified last week lied to the jury when they all claimed that they had sex with him.

On cross-examination, prosecutors asked Coy about one of his alleged 14-year-old victims.

"When you dropped her off at junior high you didn't think she wasn't of age?" prosecutors asked Coy.

Coy testified, "No, I couldn't see the sign."

Prosecutors then asked, "You mean to tell me these girls are coming into court and committing perjury and lying about going to motels with you and having sexual relationships with you?"

Coy testified, "These girls are luring me. One of them and their mother were known as 'Lady and the Tramp.'"

"As he's told the jury several times, he's not a saint and he's not a perfect person and he's made some decisions in his life that he's learned from. Like you said, it may be bad judgment, but he explained exactly the situation from a truthful standpoint and I think the jury saw that," said Chip Lewis, Coy's attorney.

"South Park Mexican is not guilty of the crime that he's accused of. They've drug him through the dirt. They've drug everything they can possibly bring in on him. We believe the motive is money," said Sylvia Coy, the rapper's sister. "These people lie, cheat and steal for a living. They live off the welfare system and they make money off the workingman. I guess that's what they're teaching their children as well."

Coy faces a sentence from five years of probation to life in prison.

Prosecutors are hoping to send Coy to prison for life and have so far brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years old.

Last week, some family, friends and fans of the rapper rallied with signs of support for him outside the courthouse.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tempers Flare Outside Rapper's Trial

Sentencing Phase Under Way

HOUSTON -- A heated argument broke out in downtown Houston Friday morning in front of the Harris County courthouse where the punishment phase of convicted rapper Carlos Coy was under way.

The fight involved two families. The family of the 9-year-old victim wants Coy to receive the maximum sentence, while Coy's family believes he was wrongfully convicted and should not be sent to prison.

Members of both families screamed at each other in front of shocked onlookers. The argument broke out shortly after the trial was dismissed for the weekend.

"We want to see justice done," said a victim's family member. "We want to see justice done."

Police rushed to the scene to break them apart.

Jurors convicted Coy, also known as the "South Park Mexican," on Saturday of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September.

Coy faces a sentence from five years' probation to life in prison.

Coy's wife testified Friday that they've had several girls at their home and that Coy never bothered them.

"I'm supporting him. I'm with him 100 percent, " said Gina Acosta, Coy's wife. "He says everything is going to be OK. After the next appeal, everything is going to be proven. He's innocent. There has been no evidence whatsoever -- only hearsay."

Prosecutors said that Coy is a child predator who deserves to be locked up.

During the punishment phase of the trial, eight women testified that they had sex with Coy when they were 12 years old, 13 years old and 14 years old.

On cross-examination, prosecutors asked Acosta if she was aware that her husband had sex with all of those girls.

She testified, "Yes, I'm aware. I've seen it all over the news."

Prosecutors then asked if she believed it.

She testified, "Absolutely not."

The sentencing phase in Coy's trial will continue Tuesday after a break for the Memorial Day holiday.

Defense attorneys have not decided whether to put Coy on the stand to testify on his own behalf.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

State Psychologist: Rapper Should Be Locked Up

Coy To Take Stand In His Own Defense

HOUSTON -- A state psychologist testified Thursday that convicted rapper Carlos Coy should receive a prison sentence after a jury found him guilty of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl.

The same jury that convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," on Saturday of sexually assaulting the girl at his southeast Houston home back in September, must now decide his punishment.

Coy faces a sentence from five years' probation to life in prison.

State child psychologist Jennifer Welch said on the stand that she interviewed a young relative of Coy's whom she believes would have been his next victim.

"He laid on top of her, sucked on her nose and arm," Welch said. "She didn't like it. She didn't like beer on his breath, and would tell her mother. Her mother would then yell at him to stop."

Welch told the jurors that this type of behavior is consistent with grooming someone to be a victim of sexual assault.

During cross-examination, Coy's attorney Chip Lewis asked," You agree that based on all of the evidence you have reviewed on Carlos Coy, there is no proof he has ever been sexually abusive with this child?"

"There is no evidence, right," Welch said.

Lewis asked that if Coy's behavior of tickling and wrestling could be that he was just playing with the child.

Welch agreed.

Coy's family said that there is no proof of what Welch is claiming.

Prosecutors are hoping to send Coy to prison for life, and have so far brought in eight women who testified that they had sex with him when they were 12, 13 and 14 years of age.

Characters witnesses are expected to testify in Coy's behalf later Thursday.

Coy himself said that he will take the stand in his own defense.

Some family, friends and fans of the rapper rallied with signs of support for him outside the courthouse.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Women Testify Of Sex With Rapper As Young Girls

Coy Faces Up To Life In Prison

HOUSTON -- A jury that convicted rapper Carlos Coy of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl must now decide his punishment, which could range from five years' probation to life in prison.

A 14-year-old girl testified Tuesday that she had sex with the rap musician back in February, when Coy was out on bond in the for which case he was just convicted.

The girl told jurors that she got Coy's telephone number from a friend, and then called him.

"He asked what I looked like, so I told him," she said. "Then he asked how old I was. I said, '14.'"

The girl said that Coy and his friends then came to pick up her and her friend at 3 a.m., and then drove them directly to a motel.

"Me and Carlos were kissing, and he gave me hickeys all over my neck as we drove to the motel," she said.

She testified that Coy's friend then got them a room, and then Coy gave the driver $100 and told him to come back in an hour.

"He started taking off his clothes," she said. "He asked me to take mine off, so I did, and we had intercourse."

On Monday, a young woman who gave birth at 14 to Coy's son testified Monday that the rap musician offered to marry her, but her parents did not approve.

"My family didn't want me to have anything to do with him," she said of Coy, 31, known professionally as the "South Park Mexican." It was her first sexual relationship, she said, and the couple neither used nor discussed birth control. At the time, he was about 22 and she was 13.

Asked by prosecutor Lisa Andrews if Coy knew her age at the time, the woman said she wasn't sure. But she said he sometimes picked her up at the intermediate school where she attended seventh grade.

Although the woman sued Coy two years ago for $28,000 in back child support, she said Coy had provided for her financially and emotionally since their son was born. "If I needed something, he would get it. Whenever I needed something, he was there for me and my son."

The woman are two of eight claiming Coy sexually assaulted them. Four of the women testified Monday in the punishment phase of Coy's trial.

The jury convicted Coy on Saturday of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl at his southeast Houston home over Labor Day weekend. Jurors, who were sequestered Friday night in a hotel, deliberated about seven hours over two days before reaching the verdict.

Another woman testified Monday that she was 12 when she first had sex with Coy. Although she initially told police she was 14, she testified Monday that she changed her mind about the date after thinking about it.

In answer to a question by Coy's attorney, Chip Lewis, the woman said she felt no animosity toward Coy after they stopped seeing each other.

Also a girl testified that she had sex with Coy several times at age 14 at Dope House Records, the Center Street recording studio the rapper co-founded in 1995.

The girl that Coy was convicted of assaulting is now 10. She testified last week that at one point she didn't remember what happened and that she could have dreamed Coy touched her inappropriately. She later said the incident was real.

The girl told jurors she went to Coy's house to spend the night with his 6-year-old daughter. As the children were playing in an upstairs bedroom, Coy told them to watch a movie, the girl testified.

The girls and Coy were on the bed watching the movie, she said, when Coy put his hand under the blanket and rubbed her buttocks for about five minutes. Later, she said, Coy came into the bedroom where she was staying, sat on the bed and touched her genital area.

Coy's attorney, Chip Lewis, showed jurors portions of movies which the girl had watched, including: "Scream," "Scream 2" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer."

He also showed portions of "Scary Movie" and "Scary Movie Part 2," which Lewis said depicted the sexual acts the girl had alleged against his client.

"The principle is that a child who is not sure if (the alleged act) was a dream or reality has got to get the idea from somewhere," Lewis said. "It's fairly easy to draw an inference from the fact she was exposed to such violent, graphic sexual material."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jury To Decide Houston Rapper's Fate

Officer Testifies Coy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Others

HOUSTON -- A Houston jury could decide Monday the fate of convicted rap musician
Carlos Coy, as they begin considering evidence in the sentencing portion of his trial.
A jury on Saturday convicted Coy, who is known as "South Park Mexican," of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl who spent the night at his home last September.

Coy, 31, faces up to life in prison based upon the conviction of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

A police officer testified Monday that she has interviewed and has proof that accuses Coy of sexually assaulting eight other girls, ranging in age from 12 to 14 years old.

The officer testified that one of the girls alleges that she had Coy's baby.

Some of these other alleged victims are expected to also testify.

State District Judge Mark Kent Ellis required jurors to continue their deliberations Saturday after they received the case on Friday. The jury spent a total of eight hours deliberating before returning the guilty verdict.

The girl, now 10, testified at one point that she didn't remember what happened and that she could have dreamed Coy touched her inappropriately. She later said the incident was real.

"By her testimony itself, we've proved the case," prosecutor Lisa Andrews told jurors during closing arguments Friday. "She's credible."

The girl told jurors she went to Coy's house to spend the night with his 6-year-old daughter. As the children were playing in an upstairs bedroom, Coy told them to watch a movie, the girl testified.

The girls and Coy were on the bed watching the movie, she said, when Coy put his hand under the blanket and rubbed her buttocks for about five minutes. Later, she said, Coy came into the bedroom where she was staying, sat on the bed and touched her genital area.

Coy's attorney, Chip Lewis, showed jurors portions of movies which the girl had watched, including: "Scream," "Scream 2" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer."

He also showed portions of "Scary Movie" and "Scary Movie Part 2," which Lewis said depicted the sexual acts the girl had alleged against his client.

"The principle is that a child who is not sure if (the alleged act) was a dream or reality has got to get the idea from somewhere," Lewis said. "It's fairly easy to draw an inference from the fact she was exposed to such violent, graphic sexual material."

Coy, who co-founded Houston-based Dope House Records, remains jailed without bail in Harris County. His latest album, Reveille Park, was released this month.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Live at Throwed Music in San Antonio Texas. Today at 5pm to 7pm. Come down and get an autograph from these Texas superstars!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jury Goes To The Movies In Rapper's Trial

Testimony To Continue After Movies

HOUSTON -- A Harris County jury was ordered to watch four movies Wednesday in the case of the rap musician known as South Park Mexican, who's charged with a total of 12 counts of sexual assault of a child.
Coy, 31, is on trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl, his daughter's friend who visited Coy's house last September to spend the night.
The jury watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer," "Scary Movie," Scary Movie 2," and "Scream."

Coy's attorney said that he's trying to prove that the movies show sexually explicit scenes-- scenes that he said are similar to the allegations the girl is making against Coy.

"Her allegation is that Carlos performed a type of oral sex on her," Coy's attorney Chip Lewis said. "Those very scenes are depicted in the movies that we're talking about.

"In some of them in various stages or forms (are) fondling, and then the oral sex, Lewis said. "All of the allegations that she's made."

Lewis said the girl has confused the fictional movie scenes with reality.

"This is what the girl said she's seen. The jury, obviously, to understand, if they haven't seen those movies, they've got to see those movies so I don't see any risk of backlash by the jury actually seeing the evidence that's relevant to the allegation," Lewis said.

Testimony is expected to continue after the movies.

Prosecutors asked the judge to allow testimony from several other alleged victims who claimed Coy assaulted them. A decision is expected Thursday.

"It's certainly not right and the judge is seeing their desperation of trying to try other cases in this case as exactly what it is -- it's a desperate effort to save a case they see failing before their eyes," Lewis said.

If convicted of the charges, Coy could be sent to prison and risks a rap career that his fans said was on the verge of exploding.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Graphic Statements Start Rapper's Trial
Victim, 9, Expected To Testify

HOUSTON -- Openings statements were heard Wednesday in the sexual assault trial of rap artist Carlos Coy, 31, also known as South Park Mexican.
Coy, who was charged with 12 counts of sexual assault of a child, is on trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl, his daughter's friend who visited Coy's house last September to spend the night. In opening statements, jurors were told,
"Coy touched the girl on her backside and private parts. Then he told her not to tell."

Prosecutor Denise Oncen said it all happened while the girl was sleeping next to Coy's 6-year-old daughter.

Seven girls have accused the rapper of molesting them, according to officials.

"We believe that the facts will set the Mexican free," said Sylvia Boy, Coy's sister. "A lot of things that have been said and written, so far, have been mostly hearsay or inaccurate."

Coy's sister is the general manager of his record company, Dope House Records.

"I know him pretty well," Boy said. "I don't believe (he's capable of this)."

The defense claims that Coy is being victimized by people who want to bring him down.

Coy's attorney said the rapper once had an intimate relationship with the girl's mother until Coy put an end to it. He said that jealousy is a motivating factor.

"He has two children. I've seen the way he's been around them and he's nothing but a loving father," said Einstein Tealer, a friend of Coy's.

The 9-year-old victim is expected to testify against Coy.

Previous Story:

* May 6, 2002: Rapper's Sexual Assault Trial Begins

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


After I empty out my vault of what I will just call press on SPM everything will be geared towards celebrating his legacy, his talents and his future. For those of you with opinions about SPM feel free to express them by commenting here. Also, if you have any pictures that you would like to share with us, please contact us so that we can post them up. If you would like to share anything you feel would be relavent relating to SPM or any other rapper or dj for that matter please hit us up.

Ok so here is some old SPM stuff.


Rapper's Sexual Assault Trial Begins

HOUSTON -- Jury selection began Monday in the sexual assault trial for Carlos Coy, 31, the rap artist known as South Park Mexican.
He's charged with sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl, a friend of his daughter's
Coy was arrested in September. Since then, several other young victims have come forward to accuse Coy of sexual assault, according to authorities.
Approximately 120 potential jurors were called to the Harris County courthouse for Coy's trial.
The judge asked the potential jurors if they had been victims of sexual assault while they were children.
He also asked if they knew of anyone who had been molested as a child. Half of the potential jurors raised their hands to show they had known a molestation victim. Most of those jurors will be excused from the trial, lawyers said.
Coy's case has been the subject of protests. Last February, dozens of protesters stood outside the courthouse when Coy made his first court appearance.
The protesters accused Coy of being a child molester, saying that he should be returned to jail.
In December, a young woman came forward and accused Coy of impregnating her when she was 13 years old.It's the only case that Coy has admitted to, claiming it was a consensual relationship. Coy was charged with sexual assault of a minor in that case.
The judge said jury selection would continue throughout the evening Monday, until a panel is seated. Opening arguments are scheduled to begin Tuesday.
The trial is drawing national attention. Media crews from around the country are in town covering the proceedings.

Friday, July 04, 2008


Happy 4th of July to all my Texas Heater, Rapid Ric and SPM fans. Man wouldn't a collabo sound good? It would make sense wouldn't it. Leave your thoughts.
Request "CALL ME" at your local radio station.



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Thursday, July 03, 2008


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Dj Rapid Ric and Big Tuck hit the stage tonight at club Fuze in Austin, Texas. 18 and up welcome.
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Happy Independance day!

I know the is the Texas Heater and I'm supposed to write about what's going on in the Texas underground rap seen but I'm giving myself the independence to start reporting on rap music in general. Rap/Hip-Hop is just to big to focus only on Texas rap. We all love the music and the culture and now it's time to expanding our base. I will still give Texas rap music all the support and attention in the world but right now I gotta put the news out about the rest of the rap world starting with this.

50 Cent dismisses T.I. rap 'attack'

50 Cent has denied allegations his new G-Unit song You So Tough is aimed at rap rival T.I. - insisting it's just about "real-life situations".
The In Da Club hitmaker and bandmates Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo appear to take shots at T.I. with references to the Bring 'Em Out star's recent illegal weapons charges.
On the song, 50 Cent raps: "Nowadays this rap s**t ain't adding up/How n**gers get caught with 10 machine guns, only get 12 months?"
T.I. - real name Clifford Harris - reached a plea deal with prosecutors in March (08) over various charges, stemming from an incident last year (Oct07) when he allegedly tried to buy unregistered machine guns and silencers from an undercover agent.
As part of his plea deal, the rapper was sentenced to one year in prison and a minimum of 1,000 hours of community service.
But 50 Cent claims You So Tough isn't targetted at anyone in particular and is about realistic incidences, just like TV crime series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
He tells MTV.com, "It's like 'CSI': You use real-life situations to create something that's entertaining without being specific.
"When have you known me to be indirect with an issue? If I had a problem with any artist, trust me, they would know.
"It's not really directed at him. It's me taking real-life situations. These things are relevant to hip-hop, period. I make something that's interesting enough for people to sink their teeth into, and I move forward."