Thursday, September 07, 2006


Saturday September 2nd, 2006

So the Whut It Dew Family picks me up Saturday morning at my house in San Marcos, Texas. From there we head straight to Del Rio, Texas. We search for a hotel on Labor Day weekend, settle down, watch TV, etc. etc.
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and then head to Acuna, Mexico, for sound check.
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Acuna was only about 10 minutes from our hotel. When we got to the border, the line of traffic leaving Mexico was about two miles long!! There was no one trying to get into Mexico lol. So we drive across the border, park and then load into the club. Man this club was nice. A lot nicer then almost all the clubs in Austin.
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Ok so we load in, do sound check and head out.
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Ric and Axsel are from these parts, so they take us to a little place to eat in Mexico. I love Mexican food so I was all for eating real Mexican food. We had some sort of fajita meat with corn tortillas and all I can say is that the food was delicious.
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Alright, so we got our grub on and head out to meet Ric's Dad. I have no idea were his dad lives, but it was somewhere deep into Mexico.
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Man I have to tell you guys that the roads we drove on were better than the roads that I drive on every day in America. NO SHIT!!! The roads were nice, man, I mean nice. Just think about the best roads in America and that's what we were driving on. We get to Ric's house and his Dad is cool as shit.
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He offers all of us something to drink and hangs out with us for a while. So get this, we are chilling out under the shade of some tall trees having a beer when all of a sudden this raccoon scurries down the tree right where we are standing. Man I jumped real quick, but then calmed down when Ric said that the raccoon is tame and lives in that tree. It was a baby raccoon too. Lol. One of Ric's Dad's friends proceeded to feed the coon a chicken bone and it ran up the tree to feed. Pretty cool shit.
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After that we get on the road out of Mexico. So we get to the border and then we get the 5th degree by border patrol. We get asked to pull over to the side so they can bring out the drug dogs and search the vehicle and run all of our licenses. So after about 30 minutes of wasting everyone's time we are off -- headed to the room to shower and change and get ready for the big show in Mexico. Finally, we get there. So we get all ready and hop in the Yukon and head BACK to Mexico. When we get there it is packed. Just think 6th street on a much smaller scale, but this place can still hold its own. So we get to the club and there is a long line of people trying to get into the club. So we go around everyone, get into the club and head straight to the DJ booth. Inside the club it was already packed, but it's fixing to get even more packed in just an hour or two.
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So while Ric is spinning everyone else is chilling having a drink and just getting comfortable with the scene. Axsel seems to know everyone in the club so he is busy mingling with everyone.
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Me, Wes and Johnny O are chilling out taking pictures of everyone.
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Buela is doing his own thing with his friends, hooking up with chicks and getting his groove on.
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Jay is posted up with me and Wes. We actually got to the club at 12 and I don't think we left until around 4 or 5 if I'm not mistaken. The clubs there in Mexico stay open all night long so we took advantage of that. The people there at the club where from all over the place. Del Rio, Mexico, Austin, Dallas etc.. Everyone there was suprisingly cool.
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All and all we had a great time and the weekend only got better. After we left the club we hooked up with some of Ric, Axsel, Jay and Johnny's friends. We went to one of their houses, chilled for about 10 minutes and split. Ric was seriously exhausted. Friday night he did the Rakim show, stayed up until 4am, got up at 6am, went to the radio station to spin from 6am to 10am, came home and got ready for Mexico, slept about 3 hours on the road and that's it. So by the time his gig was over in Mexico, the dude was about to crash and burn hard and he did. LoL.
It's all good because he had all of his closest friends around him. Ok so we leave and head back to the room sweaty, hungry, tired and trying to open the door but the dead bolt is locked!!!???? Axsel is in the room and decided to lock all of us out. Lol. Ric takes a nap in the hallway.
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15 minutes later Axsel opens the door. We head straight to bed. Lights out, the night is over.

Check in tomorrow for the conclusion of our adventures.

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