Wednesday, September 13, 2006



Here we go again. Day 2 in Mexico.

The next morning our room phone is ringing off the hook and no one wants to answer it. It's already 11:30am and check-out time happens to be at 11am. I always thought check-out time was at 12, but whatever. They said we had to go. Everyone was dragging ass for real, no one wanted to get up. First thing we did when we packed and left the room was stop and to get something to eat. Everyone ordered the menudo and ate it all up, except for Wes, he wasn't feeling it. lol. Man that menudo was great!
So now that we got our stomaches taken care of we headed over to Jay's house to get some supplies to head out to Lake Amestad. Stopped by H.E.B, which is a grocery store in Texas, packed up the Yukon and headed down to the lake. Man this lake is bad ass. I was told that it is the biggest man made lake in either Texas or the U.S.A. not sure which one. Anyway, we take this treachous road to the lake. I mean this road was rocky, bumpy, muddy, just basically fucked up. It was nothing like those nice roads in Mexico, it was terrible.
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Ok now I want you to make a mental note about this part of the trip because I think it comes back to haunt us later. So we drive about two miles down this fucked up road and finally make it to some steap ass cliff where Jay says we are setting up. Ummmmmm oooook, we park next to a nice covered picnic table with a nice bathroom next to it and we are fixing to climb down a cliff with all the groceries and a large Bar-B-Q pit???? What?? Did I hear right?? Uhhh yes I did because everyone gets out and start hauhling shit down the cliff. The view of the lake was amazing. It felt like we were at the ocean.
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Me, Wes and Ric get stuck carrying the BBQ pit down the steap side of the cliff. I'm actually just getting in their way so I let go half way there while they carry it the rest of the way. On the way down Wes steps on a cactus and has to stop because he has a big ass cactus needle lodged in his toe, Ric knocks his toe into something on the way down too and takes a seat in a lot of pain. I get a big ass bruise on my forearm where the BBQ pit was resting while I was carring it. Ok so we finally make it down the cliff. Man it was worth the walk because after we get everything situated I jump in the water and boy was the water nice.
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Everyone else jumps in and we all just relax.
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We have all the goodies you need to have a good time at the lake.
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Eventually, everyone is hungry so Jay gets the pit ready and cooks up some burgers.
A few of Ric, Jay and Ax's friends show up and chill with us and have some food. We are all just lounging around drinking and talking about what we want to do that night. It's getting late and the sun is going down so I whip out the camera.
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Rapid Ric smoking a cig. I think this is a nice shot.
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Wes and Me acting stupid
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I ended up getting a bad sunburn and I also cut my toe pretty bad in the water, lol. Oh well. I had a great time and we took some great pictures. I'd like to do it again sometime.

Well, we didn't end up leaving the lake until around 8pm I think. So it's time to go back down that treachous, rocky, bumpy, muddy road again. Remember to make that mental note about the road. We head straight to Jay's house to drop off all the supplies we brought and then head to Jay's Barbar shop so Ric could get a hair cut. We chill out there for a little while and then find out that Chalie Boy, Magno, Ryno, Lester Roy, Kinfolk Joe are in town and have a room that they don't need anymore because they are heading home early. So we head to the room, and meet up with everyone, relax, shower and change. It's probably around 11:30 by the time we are ready to leave. Oh yeah, by the way, everyone decided to go to Mexico for one last horrah. Supposedly it's bikini night or fest or something like that and everyone says we should go. Magno, Lester Roy and Kenfolk Joe decide that they want to go to Mexico with us. At this point my camera is dead and out of batteries. Damn!!! There was a lot of action that I didn't get shots off. So we all head off to Mexico, find parking all head straight to some club. It was packed!! Like of Americans there in Mexico. It was labor day weekend so I guess everyone made the trip. The night was cool. There was a little drama, but nothing major. Rapid Ric had to be at the Austin airport at 8am for a flight to New York. He had a show there with Oxy Cotton. I think she calls those shows Screw York City or something like that. Press cool stuff. So we end up leaving the club at 2am and head back to Austin with little room for error. I think the drive from Mexico to Austin is a little over 4 hours long. We head back to the room, load up the car and head home. Finally. What a great weekend. We had so much fun. Now we could all relax and sleep. Johnny O volentered to drive back, while Ax sat shotgun and kept him company while he drove. Me and Wes sat in the back, while Ric made himself a little bed in the back of the Yukon and tried to get some sleep. Serenity now........................we slept.
All of a sudden I wake to a LOUD CRASH!!! The car is swerving and then another LOUD NOISE. Then screaming, yelling, panicing. I lift my head and see head lights coming in our direction. I put my head back down and hold on. Finally, everything just stops....................calm............................Damn what the fuck just happened. We are sitting in the middle turning lane of a four lane highway type road in the middle of now where. We all get out and inspect the cause. TWO BLOWOUTS!!! Not ONE, but TWO!!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Ok so luckily Magno and the rest of his crew were following us because they stopped and gave us a hand and survey the mess with us. At this point it is 3am and we are still about 3 1/2 hours away from Austin and remember Ric had to be at the airport at 8am.
Ok time to remember back to that mental note. My theroy was that the tires were damaged on that rocky, bumpy, muddy road, but you will find out that wasn't the case a few days later. So we are all wondering what just happened. Johnny O was the driver and he says that the right front tire blew out which caused him to swerve to the right, which caused him to jump the curb, which caused the back right tire to blow and the rim to shatter. We spend about an hour trying to come up with soluctions and at least change one of the tires. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Everyone agrees that Magno should take Ric to the airport while Me, Wes, Ax and Johnny stay behind and fix the mess in the morning.
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So Ric leaves and it is now 4am. Axsel comes up with a plan to walk to a Wal-Mart at 7am, which is about 2 miles down the road and ask the automotive department guys to leave their job, drive 2 miles down the road and help us. He wants them to bring their HUGHE jack, a new tire with a new rim and to put on our spare. Ok that's fine. So I came up with a PLAN B. Nothing wrong with having a back up plan. I'm not going to get into all the details of my plan and to make a long story short, Axsel's plan works!!!! Finally, we are on the road again. It's 8am or something. I don't even remember. We are crusing, happy, laughing and then damn a cop pulls us over in the city of Hondo, Texas. Calls for back up and searches the vehicle for drugs and weapons. lol. They didn't find anything and let us go. I didn't get home until 1pm and I went straight to sleep when I got home. Real quick, back to that mental note, come to find out that Johnny O feel asleep at the wheel. That's all I'm going to say about that. All I can say is that we are lucky we are alive.

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